Sunday, October 17, 2010

Effingham County Divorce Attorney and Simple Divorces

The requirements for a Simple divorce are typically no children, no maintenance, no real estate and no retirement investments. Few marriages fall into that category. If you have children, you should retain an attorney for the custody and visitation agreements and support orders. Pro se litigants often overlook the simplest things. They will eventually realize that the cost of their mistake is several times what a reasonable attorney would have charged to do the job right in the first place.
The requirements for an "Uncontested" divorce are simple. There should be no arguing or negotiating. An uncontested case is supposed to be a completely negotiated deal for all issues when they enter into an attorney's office. Although numerous divorce cases could be uncontested, one or both parties engages into conduct that will make it a contested divorce. If you your spouse will sign off on a written settlement agreement, the case can go forward. If you have a disagreement over a single item, then you don't have an uncontested divorce. The case probably will gradually become more involved:

Most people facing a divorce:
1) know that their marriage is over but do not have a final agreement on all of the property that was accumulated during the marriage,
2) no time or inclination to put together all the financial information or prepare all the papers to do their own divorce,
3) agree on issues involving the children,
4) no discussion regarding the week-to-week and month-to-month parenting schedule,
5) no discussion regarding who will pay child support and how much it will be,
If you are in the above group, you’re like most people. Your case is like most of the cases that experienced divorce attorneys handle. Most cases can be concluded in less than 90 days. Divorces can be extremely emotional. For further information, contact your Local Effingham County Divorce Attorney or your Local Peoria County Divorce Attorney.

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